Our TRACC software is a multi-modal travel time analysis tool, generating travel times for walking, cycling, public transit and cars. These are visualized in precise contours, thematic maps and detailed reports which can be enhanced using demographic data to give an accurate view on accessibility.
TRACC handles multiple origins and destinations allowing for comprehensive analysis of millions of journeys and with editable networks that can show the effect of adding a new metro route, footway, BRT, or do scenario planning such as removing bus routes.
TRACC is trusted all over the world by transit agencies, health agencies, private companies, local and federal governments to give them accurate multi-modal location data and widely used in the UK where the product was first launched.

Create detailed travel time maps and reports

Produce multi-modal travel time contours

Import and manipulate a wide range of datasets

Europe’s leading software dedicated to accessibility
How our clients have used TRACC

TRACC's user-friendly interface made the process of loading inputs, defining scenarios and running them very convenient." and, "TRACC's outputs allowed us to perform an analyses of transit and walking accessibility and identify hot spots with low walking and transit access
East-West Gateway Council of Governments
We see a lot of potential in this existing software and future enhancements proposed for it. It allows us to increase the offer to our clients and continue our position as a market leading transportation consultancy
Senior Transport Planner, WSP
As recent converts to TRACC, we’ve found it to be a great step forward. It gives us all the functionality we are used to with the added benefits of a logical user interface and a suite of new features that we’ve found extremely valuable in delivering swift, quality results to our clients.
GIS Manager, Steer Davis Gleave
We have found TRACC to be a very powerful tool allowing fine control over calculation parameters, while remaining easy to use via an intuitive interface. The results give us an invaluable understanding of accessibility to services. We have used TRACC to support a number of NHS service reviews and redesigns
GIS Team Leader, NHS South West Commissioning Support
Contact Us
We run regular webinars with tips and tricks for the TRACC software and keep up to date with product updates and releases.